Anti Crime & Corruption Association

non governmental organization

Anti Crime & Corruption Association

non governmental organization

Anti Crime & Corruption Association

non governmental organization

Welcome To

Anti Crime & Corruption Association

Welcome to Anti Crime & Corruption Association! At Anti Crime & Corruption Association, we stand as a beacon of hope for the marginalized. We have pioneered a justice-supporting social welfare model that addresses the critical needs of the underprivileged. Our commitment to upholding integrity has been recognized by the Central Vigilance Commission, New Delhi. Our identity is rooted in compassion and empowerment. We believe that by supporting education, healthcare, and livelihood opportunities, we are sowing the seeds of social stability. Through our journey, we have witnessed countless lives transformed, and we invite you to be a part of this inspiring movement.

Upholding Integrity, Transforming Society

Building Tomorrow on the Pillars of Integrity, Equality, and Justice
Raise your voice for Justice
Together, we champion ethics and morality, fostering a society where integrity guides every action. Join us in shaping a future of equity and harmony through collective participation.

Our Mission

Our mission is to create lasting social peace and stability by uplifting the disadvantaged and promoting justice. We strive to stand as a beacon of hope for the underprivileged,

Our Vision

Simply, our vision is of a society free from poverty, injustice, and corruption. We envision a world where every person has equal opportunities and access to essential resources.

Our Objective

Our objectives are centred on creating meaningful impact and driving positive change. We aim to provide support to families during critical life events, ensuring that marriages,

What We Do

Glimpse of Activities

Helping for Marriages

Fueling Education

Caring for Old and Sick

Livelihood Support

Disaster Preparedness


Requirement of Donation


Mission Education Centres


Volunteer States Across India

Member of Anti Crime & Corruption Association

Meet Our Team Members

Abinash Kumar


Mrs. Susmita Kumar

General Secretary

Amit Kumar

National Media Head

Agustin Mariyan

Intelligence Cell Member

Message Desk

President’s Message

As the President of the Anti-Crime and Corruption Association, I am honoured and committed to fostering a society where justice prevails and integrity thrives. Through vigilant advocacy, rigorous education, and collaborative action, we are unwavering in our commitment to uproot crime, poverty, and corruption from our midst.

Let us stand together, resolute and steadfast, as we strive to build a future defined by justice, integrity, and compassion. Our collective dedication will be the driving force behind the positive change our world so urgently needs.

Let us work hand in hand to build a future that we can be proud to leave for our upcoming youth and future generations..

Yours in the fight for a better world.

With hope and determination,

Abinash Kumar

President, Anti Crime & Corruption Association

Quick Form

Get In Touch

For any inquiries, collaborations, or simply to get in touch with us, you can reach our team at the provided contact details. We value your input and participation in our journey towards social betterment. Feel free to connect with us to learn more about our initiatives and how you can contribute to making a difference.